
Showing posts from March, 2018

3 Keys to Building a Great Childcare Staff: Keep it Fun. Invest. Engage.

3 Keys to Building a Great Childcare Staff: Keep it Fun. Invest. Engage. Chances are when a person starts a childcare business, they are not doing it solely for purpose of making money. Most people who own or work in childcare don't do it just for the money, they do it because they enjoy working with children and helping their community. But, along the way, there comes the dreaded "business" part of running a childcare center and, of all the "business" issues that are front and center, staffing is the most important. I mean, after all, it is a "people" business.  Parents are buying into you and the people who will be caring for their children and, they can readily see which of your staff are in it for passion or just a paycheck. However, the "reasons" people choose to work at a particular childcare center are not "fixed."  If a person made the decision to work at a childcare center because they were sold on the ...