Owner Talk: Why a Professional Website Was Important For My Center by Jim Shields @enrollsmart This blog post covers the end of a brief phone conversation with Jen Kelly, Owner of First Step Academy in Independence, MO as to why a getting a professional website was important for her childcare center. Jen is an Enrollsmart client. Jim Shields: So Jen, tell me why you decided to get a professional website for your center? Jen: Well, the truth is that it makes my business more credible. When people search for childcare in my area using Google or Facebook, it looks much more professional if they are able to visit my website rather than just call me. Plus, with the online services such as payments and paperless enrollment my website lets me offer, I make things easier for myself. Not to mention all the money I'm saving. Jim Shields: Was your website expensive? Jen : Yes, the original site was expensive but, truthfully, you guys are ...
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