3 Keys to Success for Medium-Sized and Small Childcare Centers
By Kimberly Newman, Customer Success Leader @enrollsmart
Over the years, we have noticed some trends; particularly in medium-sized and small childcare centers.
First, let's define medium-sized and, small centers. We define medium-sized and, small childcare centers as anywhere from 12 to 90 in licensed capacity. These are programs where the owner is likely to also serve as the director and, many of these centers have programs and operating hours/days that are extended. It is not uncommon to see centers in this capacity range open up earlier or stay open later than the traditional 7am-6pm schedule.
Medium-sized and small childcare centers make up the vast majority of the childcare market and, often offer a hands-on approach by the owner; who is likely working in the classroom, cooking meals, driving the van and, doing the lion's share of the center's required paperwork.
In our experience, the owner/director of a medium-sized/small center often has a loyal assistant director or manager to help them make phone calls, deal with customer issues, lead the other staff, collect payments, etc. It is not uncommon to see families work together in medium-sized and, small centers.
The most successful medium/small centers that we have spoken to seem to have these 3 things in common:
Success Key #1: An Interactive Web Presence
"Now Enrolling" signs, radio and, print ads just don't have the effect they once did. Out of more than 500 medium-sized/small childcare programs that we have studied through our email campaigns, surveys, on-site conversations, and phone calls, only about 10% have an interactive web presence. We often see these programs with a Facebook/Instagram page or Google listing that directs visitors to their phone...but our data shows that they only answer about 35% of their phone calls. And, when the phone is answered, it's often answered by a staff person who can offer very little information and, simply takes a message.
Though it is quite understandable that medium-sized/small childcare centers have limited time on their hands, we have seen the more successful programs have a consistent and effective way to interact with the public using digital means. A parent or potential employee who calls the center is calling around for childcare space or job availability and, your center is just one of the places they're calling.
Without an interactive web presence (website, tour video, CRM) it is very difficult for parents and potential employees to make a decision to come to your facility. They simply don't have enough information. Also, one of the criteria that Google and Facebook rank centers on is the number of other web connections they have and, the number of web "hits" they receive. If you bother to have a Facebook/Instagram page or Google listing, these sources of publicity should be designed to get your center "traction." And, by "traction," I mean giving people a way to see your facility, it's policies, it's current openings and, what jobs are available.
If your Facebook/Instagram page or Google dead ends at a phone, you've just missed out on a potential enrollment or staff person who can make the difference in your center's ability operate at it's best capacity. Without enrollments, you have no tuition. Without staff, you can't provide service. For best results, you simply must have an interactive web presence in today's world.
Success Key #2: Strong Customer Service
Customer service is an essential part of maintaining a good reputation in childcare. After all, your clients are people who entrust their most prized possession to you for many hours each day. It is critically important that you and your staff give outstanding customer service (answering the phone professionally, returning inquiries, setting tours and being prepared, greeting the families, communicating with families) at all times.
Unfortunately, we encounter many centers that simply do not answer the phone or answer and, have no way for customers to communicate with the center's leadership. We've seen best customer service results when a center's parent handbook and staff handbook are updated regularly and published using a website.
Success Key #3: Offer Convenience and Don't Be Disconnected
Based on the data that we have collected, the age group that utilizes childcare centers the most is 18-24-year-olds. Childcare is a regulated industry that interfaces with the government regularly. Every state has its own set of childcare forms and childcare regulations. Because of this, most childcare centers still use a significant amount of paper in their day-to-day operations compared to many other industries which are moving toward being paperless.
It is critical to be in compliance at all times but, it is also important to have tools in place to help you meet compliance in a way that offers as much convenience as possible to parents. This includes such things as investing in an online enrollment process, allowing parents to pay online and, allowing parents to keep their information updated online.
In an age where parents are accessing almost everything online, we've noticed these 3 keys in some of the most successful small and medium-sized childcare centers.
Kimberly Newman is Customer Success Leader at Enrollsmart. Enrollsmart is the #1 platform for online enrollment, interactive websites and complete back-end technology for small and medium-sized childcare centers. Enrollsmart was built based on more than 15 years of childcare center ownership.
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